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Stages when buying or selling
Finding Property/Buyer PDF Print E-mail

Most often, though not necessarily, assistance in finding a suitable property (or a buyer for the property) is provided by real estate agencies.

Preliminary Contract PDF Print E-mail

The practice established in real estate transactions, considering the usually high price, is that the parties enter into a preliminary contract which stipulates the conditions for the future performance of the formalities related to the deal at the notary’s office.

Performance of the Formalities Related to the Deal at the Notary’s Office PDF Print E-mail

In order to perform the formalities related to deal at the notary’s office, the parties must appear before the notary to sign the title deed.

Registration PDF Print E-mail

On the day of the performance of the formalities related to the deal, the notary presents the title deed in the registry office where the real state is located.

Declaration PDF Print E-mail

According to the Local Taxes and Fees Act, any person who has acquired a new property, whether new or old construction, or whether a replacement, is required within two months of the performance of the formalities related to the deal before a notary and the registration of the transaction with the Registry Agency to file a tax declaration, levying an annual tax.